Saturday, 2 August 2008
Membership Application

Subscription Prices for 2008 are half price as follows (if you are a new member you are asked to include a one off payment of £15:
Membership Type

One off payment


Family (2 adults + children 11-18)

Adult Rower (18yrs +)

Student (16yrs - 20 & students in full time education)

Junior (under 16yrs)

Social Member

Total Membership Subscription (please make cheque payable to Lyme Regis Gig Club)

Please note: 2009 membership will become due on 1st April 2009 at the full rate
About You
Please complete all sections in block capitals

First Name(s)
Date of Birth (if under 18)
Membership Type (eg adult rower/family/junior)


Home Address
Home Phone:

Mobile No.



Phone no.

Welcome…..join us

Lyme Regis Gig Club was formed for the benefit of everyone in our community. We want to share the pleasures and pains of rowing with anyone able and willing to take to the water – competitively, recreationally, occasionally or as often as time and tides permit! We are operating the Club with as few restrictions on membership as possible so come on, join us, make some friends and enjoy our heritage coastline from your seat in the gig!
Rowing is an all year round sport … permitting.

Your Health & Safety

Rowing is a strenuous physical activity – everyone needs to be reasonably fit to row rather than intend to get fit through rowing! For your own welfare and safety, and that of others, please disclose any medical condition that could affect your fitness to row. x the boxes to indicate any condition affecting any of the persons registered as rowers:

o Heart condition eg. Angina o Asthma – treated with Ventolin/salbutomol y/n

o Epilepsy o Diabetes o Other ………………

Members affected: …………………………………………………………………………………..

If you have any concerns about possible undiagnosed conditions that could be made worse by rowing please consult your GP before taking to the water.

Swimming ability in open water: o Strong o Weak o Non-swimmer

Rowing ability: o Expert o Proficient o Novice

Club Rules

We want everyone to enjoy their rowing, club membership and the gig community – agreeing to a few simple rules should help make this possible:
ü Treat everyone – with the same respect you want to receive – all members whatever their age, gender, ethnicity or abilities, other gig club members, the public at large, spectators….
ü Show consideration and avoid causing offence through language or actions which may bring yourself, the Club and the sport of gig rowing into disrepute.
ü Always adopt a ‘safety first’ attitude and follow instructions particularly on the water and when launching, recovering and handling the gig.

Your Agreement

I confirm that I have provided complete and accurate information and have read, understood and agree to comply with the conditions of membership stated above. I understand that my personal information will be securely stored by LRGC and only used for the purpose of Club communications with the membership. I consent/do not consent (delete as appropriate) to images taken in the course of Club activities being used for promotion and fund-raising purposes.

Signed: ……………………………………………………. Date: …………………………..
(On behalf of all persons named overleaf and as parent/guardian if appropriate.)


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