9 AM 10.00 AM 10.45AM 11.15 AM 11.45 AM
Chris Walters Henry Barlow Geoff Legg Tony Short Spare
Neil Spurdle Lis Dyer Sue Beckers Cam short Spare
Helen Edwards Mike O’Leary Brian Fletcher Gill Bailey Spare
Paul Dyer Sam Eyres Deb Hunt Ben Short Spare
Jackie O’Leary Andy Schmidt Nicola Tee John Stork Spare
Mandy Johns Michelle Prosser Zac Hunt Spare Spare
9.30 AM 10.15 AM 10.45AM 11.15AM 11.45AM
Chris Walters Gemma Barton John Stork Cam Short Spare
Gemma Barton Michelle Prosser Geoff Legg Ben Short Spare
Sue Beckers Jackie O’Leary Sue Riley Spare Spare
Mike O’Leary Mandy Johns Tony Short Spare Spare
Andy Schmidt Nicola Tee Zac Hunt Spare Spare
Henry Barlow Yvonne Sterry Deb Hunt Spare Spare
Gig Training Telephone: 07531191547. Ring to ch
Hi all.
Due to the state of the tides this weekend, we will be starting early on Saturday and Sunday. 9am on Sat, and 9.30 on Sun.
Please be aware of this when informing me of your availability.
9.30 AM 10.15 AM 10.45 AM 11.15 AM 11.45 AM
Michelle Prosser Sam Eyres Zac Hunt Sue Riley Spare
Paul Dyer Jackie O’Leary Deb Hunt Gill Bailey Spare
Mike O’Leary Lis Dyer Sue Beckers Cameron Short Spare
Neil Spurdle Gemma Barton Brian Fletcher Spare Spare
Andy Schmidt Helen Edwards Tony Short Spare Spare
Henry Barlow Jo Schmidt Geoff Legg Spare Spare
Hi all.
I've attached the rota for Saturday in the vain hope we will be rowing, but it looks highly unlikely, so please check the gig phone in the morning.
I've also already made the decision to cancel the taster session on Sunday as the sea is going to be rough at best, and so not the conditions to be rowing for the first time. If you had a friend/acquaintance/family member coming down, please could you let them know. I will reschedule for Sunday 1st of Feb.
Thanks to all those who offered to help.
Hi all.
This Sunday's rowing will be predominantly taster sessions for new rowers. If you are available to help with these sessions, please let me know.
9 AM 10 AM 10.45 AM 11.15 AM 11.45 AM
Chris Walters Sam Eyres Zac Hunt John Stork Spare
Paul Dyer Jackie O’Leary Deb Hunt Marcus Dixon Spare
Mike O’Leary Lis Dyer Mandy Johns Gill Bailey Spare
Neil Spurdle Sue Beckers Susan Riley Tony Short Spare
Andy Schmidt Helen Edwards Diana Dixon Cameron Short Spare
Henry Barlow Jo Schmidt Yvonne Sterry Spare Spare
Hi all.
Due to a combination of low tide, and forecast wind, we will not be rowing this Sunday(11th). Saturday will still be on, and we will be starting at 9am, using Victoria pool for crew changes. Let me know if you can make Saturday.
10 AM 10.45 AM 11.30AM 12.15PM 12.30PM
Chris Walters Deb Hunt Henry Barlow Spare Spare
Paul Dyer Jackie O’Leary Sam Eyres Spare Spare
Mike O’Leary Lis Dyer John Stork Spare Spare
Neil Spurdle Mandy Johns Susan Riley Spare Spare
Zac Hunt Michelle Prosser Tony Short Spare Spare
Bryan Fletcher Jo Schmidt Andy Schmidt Spare Spare
Hi all.
I was going to post a rota for Sundays rowing, but I'm afraid the weather is going to be worse than today, with force 9 easterlies forecast, so there really will be no chance of rowing. We will row again on Saturday the 3rd of January; let me know if you're available.
Happy New Year!
Hello all.
It was hoped that we would row on Boxing day, but due to the amount of drying out Rebel needed, the oiling has only just begun, so she will not be ready. Looks like stong easterlies anyway! We will also not be going to Swanage on the 28th, but if anyone fancies a row on Sunday, let me know, and I'll put a rota together.
Can I take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy Christmas, and thank you all for your help, co-operation and patience, during the last year. It's been a privilege getting to know those of you I'd not met before, and here's to a great 2009!
Hi all.
I'm afraid rowing is cancelled this weekend due to maintenance on the gig. We are drying her out, which is taking longer than anticipated. After this she is being cleaned, oiled inside, and some paint work touched up. This is going to take us into next week.
I apologise for this, but this is essential work.
Hi all.
Rebel was moved into the Boat Building Academy today, to allow her to dry out, and for some much needed maintenance.
Over the last 6 months she has been used a lot, and because of this there is a lot of work to be done. Unfortunately this means that there will definitely be no rowing on Saturday, and possibly not on Sunday either. I apologise for this, but this week is the only opportunity we have to get her under cover, to get the work done.
10 AM 10.45 AM 11.30AM 12.15PM 12.45PM
Chris Walters Jackie O’Leary Geoff Legg Yvonne Sterry Spare
Mike O’Leary Lis Dyer Diana Dixon Brian Watson Spare
Zac Hunt Sue Beckers Marcus Dixon Gill Watson Spare
Paul Dyer Mandy Johns Sam Eyres Susan Riley Spare
Andy Schmidt Jo Schmidt Nicola Tee Myra Heno Spare
Michelle Prosser Deb Hunt Gill Bailey Spare Spare
Gig Training Telephone: 07531191547. Ring to check
I'm afraid rowing is cancelled this weekend due to maintenance on the gig. We are drying her out, which is taking longer than anticipated. After this she is being cleaned, oiled inside, and some paint work touched up. This is going to take us into next week.
I apologise for this, but this is essential work.
Hi all.
Rebel was moved into the Boat Building Academy today, to allow her to dry out, and for some much needed maintenance.
Over the last 6 months she has been used a lot, and because of this there is a lot of work to be done. Unfortunately this means that there will definitely be no rowing on Saturday, and possibly not on Sunday either. I apologise for this, but this week is the only opportunity we have to get her under cover, to get the work done.
10 AM 10.45 AM 11.30AM 12.15PM 12.45PM
Chris Walters Jackie O’Leary Geoff Legg Yvonne Sterry Spare
Mike O’Leary Lis Dyer Diana Dixon Brian Watson Spare
Zac Hunt Sue Beckers Marcus Dixon Gill Watson Spare
Paul Dyer Mandy Johns Sam Eyres Susan Riley Spare
Andy Schmidt Jo Schmidt Nicola Tee Myra Heno Spare
Michelle Prosser Deb Hunt Gill Bailey Spare Spare
Gig Training Telephone: 07531191547. Ring to check
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